What we do

Our vision is that the court trial is only the last resort solution, as prevention and mediation are often the best ways to ensure success for the client.

But when litigations are required, we usually win in the court of law, mainly due to the fact that, while assisting the client on a daily basis, we always bear in mind the possibility of going to trial, even if we do our best to avoid it.

Commercial law and contracts​

When it comes to commercial law and contracts, our most important projects are connected to international trade, including negotiating agreements, setting up new branches abroad and keeping in contact with local advisors to ensure compliance with both local and European regulations. We also have assisted our clients in numerous domestic transactions, in various business areas, from Oil&Gas industry to Real Estate and Pharma.

Labor law

In the area of labor law, we have assisted our clients in drafting all sorts of legal documents, starting with negotiating labor contracts and addendums, (such as NDAs or Non-solicitation–Non-competetion addendums), amending the contracts with the necessary legal constraints due to GDPR implementation, drafting Internal Rules or negotiating Collective Bargaining Agreements and of course, assisting our client with complying to the new rules during the pandemic time.

But the most important part of our consultant activity with respect to HR activity is the sensitive area of dismissals, with entire range of activities required, from documenting the decisions, communicating them, negotiating the exit, and, if the case, taking the issue to the court and defend the employer position.

Tax law

Tax law is one of the most important areas of our activity, since it is directly connected to the heart of every business. Given our experience with multinational companies, we understand the challenges they may face while establishing a business in Romania and we are ready to provide the much needed assistance in understanding the specific rules in this matter. We are also among the most successful litigators with respect to tax law court cases. We are proud to say that in 2019 European Court of Human Rights awarded in favor of one of our clients an extremely important decision, which is extremely rare in tax litigations.

Public Procurement

Public Procurement and the assistance needed in public tenders are also some of the areas where our experience is beneficial to the clients that are connected to public projects.

Transport law

is also one of our successful areas of expertise. Our results in court have sculpted the national rules of this activity.

Litigation and arbitrage areas

are generally connected to the consultancy areas of expertise and one of the most rewarding activity of our practice in terms of personal satisfaction. Understanding both the life in court and the business life is one of our main competitive advantages.


is one of the areas that is now more and more present in the lives of our clients and our certification as DPO is a plus in assisting them to fully understand and comply with all these delicate requirements.  

We speak fluently English (Advanced user) and French (Independent user), therefore we do not need translation for internal or official communications, which determines both an increase in terms of confidentiality and a decrease in terms of costs and speed.